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Фильмы на Английском
On Deadly Ground (Nico 6) / В смертельной опасности (Нико 6) (1994)

On Deadly Ground (Nico 6) / В смертельной опасности (Нико 6) (1994)

Добавлено: 29-08-2020, 14:32
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Forrest Taft is a specialist in the field of combating fires in oil wells. One day he has to enter into a serious open confrontation with the owner of the oil company, Michael Jennings, at one of the drilling stations of which there was a major accident and now oil flows are pouring out into the open ocean. Taft was used to always go to the end in his endeavors, and justice is above all for him, so he was not afraid to speak out against the oil tycoon. Unfortunately, for Jennings, only personal benefit remains in the first place. Then Forrest Taft makes it clear to his enemies that if they harm his land, then all of them will be in mortal danger and he will definitely take care of this.

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