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Фильмы на Английском
Out for Justice (Nico 4) / Во имя справедливости (Нико 4) (1991)

Out for Justice (Nico 4) / Во имя справедливости (Нико 4) (1991)

Добавлено: 24-01-2017, 19:45
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The action takes place in Brooklyn in our time. COP Gino Felino was born and raised in the area. A lot has changed in his lifetime, but some changes he is not going to recognize. The offender Richie Madano in broad daylight brutally kills a policeman in front of his family. Richie is well known in the area and managed to earn himself notoriety of his crimes. Now the investigation is taken Felino, as the victim was his best friend. Gino is going to take revenge on the murderer for the death of a friend. But first it must catch. However, the brave police officer will go to any lengths to punish the offender and put him behind bars, justice will be restored by his hands.

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