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Фильмы на Английском
Hard to Kill (Nico 2) / Смерти вопреки (Нико 2) (1990)

Hard to Kill (Nico 2) / Смерти вопреки (Нико 2) (1990)

Добавлено: 15-08-2020, 05:47
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The events of the film begin in 1983. Police officer Mason Storm crossed the path of Vernon Trent, a corrupt politician. He managed to film evidence of his criminal activities. Now he is being hunted and his family is being killed by bandits. His friend Kevin decides that in such a situation it is necessary to fake the death of Storm. He takes the film from him, and Storm is taken to the hospital under the name John Doe. Storm spends seven years in a coma, but when he comes to, he realizes that now he can be killed at any moment. Storm's nurse calls the police and reports that the patient is awake. But this becomes a serious mistake, since the police are now led by corrupt officials.

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