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Фильмы на Английском
Under Siege 2: Dark Territory (Nico 7) / В осаде 2: Тёмная территория (Нико 7) (1995)

Under Siege 2: Dark Territory (Nico 7) / В осаде 2: Тёмная территория (Нико 7) (1995)

Добавлено: 13-04-2017, 21:54
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Brilliant scientist and researcher who was fired from the CIA, manages to fake his own death. Then, using the group of criminals he captures the train, where he deploys the equipment of control of the secret satellite, which himself invented. This satellite has the unique ability to cause earthquakes. A scientist pursues a simple goal: destroy 8 million people to receive a cash reward of one billion dollars. But criminals are very unlucky, because the train was a former commander of the special forces of the marine corps Casey Ryback with his niece. Of course, that it did not suit the plans of terrorists.

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