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Фильмы на Английском
Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade / Индиана Джонс и последний крестовый поход (1989)

Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade / Индиана Джонс и последний крестовый поход (1989)

Добавлено: 23-05-2020, 21:06
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The director of the third picture is all the same creator and the best of the best Steven Spielberg. This incredibly exciting adventure still looks very exciting and spectacular. Beautiful and wonderful star cast and stunning special effects make this film one of the best in the cinematography of its genre. Also, this film was awarded the Oscar for best sound. The highlight of the film is the star duo of Harrison Ford and Sean Connery, which is interesting to watch.The plot of the film: this time, the fearless adventurer Indiana Jones is recovering in a new adventure. He must find the most mysterious relic in the history of mankind. Jones must find the cup from which Jesus Christ himself drank - the Holy Grail. In search of a doctor, his father helps; he is also a desperate and reckless professor. Under the watchful eye of his father and in the company of faithful talismans, a hat and a whip, Jones will have to make noble feats and discoveries. In new wanderings, the protagonist will not only be able to hold the cup, but also get an autograph from Adolf Hitler himself...

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