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Фильмы на Английском
Raiders of the Lost Ark ( Indiana Jones ) / Индиана Джонс: В поисках утраченного ковчега (1981)

Raiders of the Lost Ark ( Indiana Jones ) / Индиана Джонс: В поисках утраченного ковчега (1981)

Добавлено: 13-05-2020, 05:38
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"Indiana Jones: Raiders of the Lost Ark," directed by Steven Spielberg. The picture was released on large screens in 1981. The film was awarded the highest Oscar in four categories. Resting on the Hawaiian islands, the future filmmakers, director Spielberg and producer George Lucas, engaged in sculpting sandcastles, had a brilliant idea to shoot a film about the adventures of a doctor archaeologist. Later, screenwriter Lawrence Kasdan joined the workflow on the film. This is the best film in cinematography in a similar genre, which everyone must watch!

The plot of the film: the main character is Indiana Jones. He is known as one of the best archaeologists in the world, as the best specialist in the occult sciences, a doctor who has no replacement. Once having received a task from the US government, Jones sets off in search of a unique relic. In the South American jungle he needs to find the sacred Ark. Unaware that the agents of Adolf Hitler received a similar order, the doctor archaeologist sets off on a journey...

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