Movies in English Фильмы, Клипы, Сериалы, Мультфильмы на Английском, Немецком, Итальянском » Боевик » Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom / Индиана Джонс и Храм судьбы (1984) в закладки
Фильмы на Английском
Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom / Индиана Джонс и Храм судьбы (1984)

Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom / Индиана Джонс и Храм судьбы (1984)

Добавлено: 23-05-2020, 00:30
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The film takes place in 1935 in Shanghai. The protagonist is an archaeologist and adventurer Indiana Jones goes on a trip to the Himalayas. His adventures are joined by his friends, restaurant singer Willie Scott and a loyal assistant Shorty. In the heart of the Himalayas, among the majestic mountains, Dr. Jones and his companions will have to face the bloody cult of worship to the Goddess of Death - Kali. Whether Indiana can escape from the clutches of death and not be on the altar of sacrifice, you can find out about it by watching a movie on our website in real time...

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