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The Walking Dead ( 9 Season ) / Ходячие мертвецы ( 9 Сезон ) (2018)

The Walking Dead ( 9 Season ) / Ходячие мертвецы ( 9 Сезон ) (2018)

Добавлено: 8-11-2018, 06:30
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The events of the ninth season will unfold eighteen months after the war with the Saviors and their charismatic and cruel leader Negan. Having won over the enemy community, Rick and the rest are busy creating Alexandria, Hilltop, and other outposts, trying to establish infrastructure, agriculture, and transportation links.
But, as Negan argued, Rick’s desire for peace is not at all as strong as the latter would have liked, and, despite communion, people are still prone to conflicts. It is people who become each other's main enemies, not zombies. Although the "walking" still pose a mortal danger.

9 Season, 1 Episode

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