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Фильмы на Английском
The Walking Dead (1 season) / Ходячие мертвецы (1 сезон) (2010)

The Walking Dead (1 season) / Ходячие мертвецы (1 сезон) (2010)

Добавлено: 14-11-2016, 00:22
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The family of private Sheriff is in a world flooded with hordes of zombies, an epidemic of apocalyptic scale, flooded the entire globe. Sheriff Rick Grimes together with his family and a small group of people who managed to survive are looking for a safe place for future residence. But constantly pursued by the fear of death every day brings heavy casualties, forcing the small group of survivors, to feel the depth of human cruelty and hatred. Rick, being constantly in search of the salvation of his family, realizes that covering horror and fear the survivors are much more dangerous and worse than the mindless undead that are on the ground. After receiving a severe gunshot wound during a struggle with the criminals, he falls into a coma. Regaining consciousness, discovers that the medical staff here, and in the building of the hospital is a mess. Gradually, the Sheriff begins to realize that an accident has occurred that is associated with the reanimated corpses. He really wants to find his surviving wife and son to help them survive in a new and dangerous world. Using his leadership skills, Rick leads a fight for survival...

1 Season, 1 Episode

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