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Фильмы на Английском
The Walking Dead ( 8 Season) / Ходячие мертвецы ( 8 Сезон ) (2017)

The Walking Dead ( 8 Season) / Ходячие мертвецы ( 8 Сезон ) (2017)

Добавлено: 20-05-2018, 18:59
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Between the group of "Saviors" and the survivors under the leadership of Rick Grimes, the war rages. The former sheriff lost many allies, but the inhabitants of the Kingdom under the leadership of Ezekiel are ready to assist in confronting the villain. The army of Negan is very strong, because for many months they took any weapons and resources they found themselves, leaving no opportunity for their slaves to rebel. But in the war often wins not a strong weapon, but a tactic. Can Alexandria resist the post-apocalyptic tyrant and return the world to the blood-soaked earth? With this, for the upcoming episodes, the main characters of our project will be sorted out ...

8 Season, 1 Episode

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