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Фильмы на Английском
Mission: Impossible 2 / Миссия: невыполнима 2 (2000)

Mission: Impossible 2 / Миссия: невыполнима 2 (2000)

Добавлено: 23-09-2018, 22:25
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When the world is on the brink of disaster, and if at least one person can prevent it, then there is only one person on the planet that will cope with this - this is Ethan Hunt. He is a special agent of the CIA, who simply knows how to get out of the most tricky situations. In the life of Ethan there have been many changes since our last meeting with him. Now he has a new very strict boss, another fateful assignment and a new lover. But at the same time to resist Hunt will be a very insidious and dangerous opponent. In the hands of the most dangerous terrorists, there is a deadly virus and they intend to use it - it can destroy all life on earth...

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