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Фильмы на Английском
Mission: Impossible - Fallout / Миссия невыполнима: Последствия (2018)

Mission: Impossible - Fallout / Миссия невыполнима: Последствия (2018)

Добавлено: 18-12-2018, 15:41
17 191
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Ethan Hunt is the best CIA special agent performing the most dangerous and challenging missions that many simply cannot cope with. He had repeatedly endangered himself for the sake of his country and, probably, every time he found himself in an incredibly difficult situation in which the government and leadership had turned away from him. Despite everything, Ethan always brought his case to the end, making decisions on his own. This time, he again finds himself embroiled in an unpleasant story, which can lead to a huge number of victims. He does not have the support of the government and the CIA, but Ethan does not intend to retreat and will do everything to solve the problem and save the world again. The only people he can count on are his loyal team of professionals...

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