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Фильмы на Английском
Deck the Halls / Добро пожаловать, или Соседям вход воспрещён (2006)

Deck the Halls / Добро пожаловать, или Соседям вход воспрещён (2006)

Добавлено: 31-12-2018, 20:45
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The Finch family moves to a quiet North American town on Christmas Eve. Steve, the father of the family, hopes to rally his family during the holiday, but his plans are violated by Buddy Hall, who moves to this town with his family. Acquainted, the neighbors made friends. However, everything changes after Buddy on the computer saw images of his house through a satellite, and he was much less than Steve's house. Then Buddy decides to decorate the house with festive garlands, so that it becomes more visible and visible from outer space. But Steve does not like this, because Hall is noisy and steals electricity to illuminate the house. Finch is ready at any cost to interfere with the idea of a neighbor or to lead his project.

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