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Фильмы на Английском
Christmas with the Kranks / Рождество с неудачниками (2004)

Christmas with the Kranks / Рождество с неудачниками (2004)

Добавлено: 13-01-2019, 00:25
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Family Kranks', as expected, every year Christmas was celebrated. But over time, all of this pre-Christmas hustle and bustle, Christmas trees, snowmen, gifts and holiday dinners order they are tired. And when the daughter of Nora and Luther - Blair, went to study, the spouses have the opportunity to spend Christmas vacation in the Caribbean, while saving more and 6000$. But there it was. About the plans of spouses learned the Kranks ' neighbors, and this provoked their deepest resentment. Besides, on holiday with his fiancé decided to come and Blair. And now the Kranks had to run in panic to the shops for almost already sold out products and in a hurry to decorate the house before the arrival of his daughter.

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