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Фильмы на Английском
The Assassination of Jesse James by the Coward Robert Ford / Как трусливый Роберт Форд убил Джесси Джеймса (2007)

The Assassination of Jesse James by the Coward Robert Ford / Как трусливый Роберт Форд убил Джесси Джеймса (2007)

Добавлено: 21-03-2017, 22:48
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The history of the American Wild West gave the world many legendary criminals, one of the most notorious of them was Jesse James. His robbery has always been carefully planned and thought out so he did not know the bitterness of defeat. He really did not like those who covered himself with his name and profited from it, so he led a ruthless war with them. In 1881, James takes in his gang newcomer Robert Ford. As later it turned out to be his biggest mistake in life. Ford was a coward by nature, and if at first Jesse respected, then his views changed greatly over time. He decided that he was not nearly as bad as the gang leader and was capable of grandiose deeds. Once the act of the leader greatly angered Robert and he did not think of anything better than to kill him.

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