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El Camino: A Breaking Bad Movie / Путь: Во все тяжкие (2019)

El Camino: A Breaking Bad Movie / Путь: Во все тяжкие (2019)

Добавлено: 13-01-2020, 21:13
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The film is a continuation of the legendary series called "Breaking Bad", loved by millions of viewers around the world. The plot revolves around Jesse Pinkman, who makes a desperate escape. He had long wanted to be free and he managed to get his way. But it would be extremely difficult to hide from the neo-Nazis who had deprived him of his freedom. Besides, the police are on his trail, and the ghosts of the past are not going to leave him alone. It will not be easy to continue your life in this world, but the desire for freedom gives Jesse strength. Each time he gets away from his pursuers, but how long will the hero be able to lead by the nose the police and enemies?..

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