Фильмы на Английском
Cast Away / Изгой (2000)

Cast Away / Изгой (2000)

Добавлено: 22-12-2016, 02:23
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The picture was released in the U.S. in 2000. Worked on the film Director who is considered the great master of psychological cinema Robert Zemeckis. The painting is distinguished by its intimacy, since 95% of the time on the screen the main character was all alone. Picture many viewers perceived to be easy and entertaining, but on the other hand still makes everyone think of the higher values and a different look at everyday routine.
Movie plot: an employee of a delivery service "Federal Express" named Chuck Noland. The main character was a scrupulous practitioner and incorrigible pedant. In his schedule there was no time for personal life and beloved woman. Recovering in the next trip, the plane suffers an air crash. Chuck miraculously still alive and goes on a desert island. Spending many years on the island, the main character had no choice but to rethink his life, to go through severe physical and psychological tests...


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