Фильмы на Английском
The Proposal / Предложение (2009)

The Proposal / Предложение (2009)

Добавлено: 27-05-2015, 00:14
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Wonderful actors Sandra Bullock and Ryan Reynolds have coped with their work, it is with such a team could be removed comedy highest level. Great fun atmosphere of the film, interesting and fun story says it all about the highest level of creation of the director, who brought forty million dollars, for a film of this genre is very, very not bad. In a word picture of the possible, and this is a good excuse to see her. About the film: The main character - is the chief executive, business woman, which deported to another country. Categorically refusing to move, she was ready to go to a marriage and marry his young assistant, who did not like his boss. Assistant proved honest and correct employee. Get introduced his future wife with his parents a couple starts to play in destiny, gradually falling in love with each other.

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