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Фильмы на Английском
Warlock: The Armageddon / Чернокнижник 2: Армагеддон  (1993)

Warlock: The Armageddon / Чернокнижник 2: Армагеддон (1993)

Добавлено: 1-06-2016, 18:48
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Druids managed to save the world from the coming of the devil with the help of ancient runes, which have created a magical light, which became the protection of darkness. Supporters of the world have also managed to interrupt the devil ritual, but in the battle with Satanists runes disappear. A young girl is a victim of the curse, in which she becomes pregnant the son of Satan, and soon the light appears reborn warlock. Warlock kills her and goes in search of the runes, with which he wants to finish the ritual. Warrior-Druid with her lover start to search for the warlock to kill the son of Satan. Meanwhile, the sorcerer manages to collect all the runes and rescue his father from captivity. decisive battle begins between the magician and a warrior.


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