Фильмы на Английском
The Devils Advocate / Адвокат Дьявола (1997)

The Devils Advocate / Адвокат Дьявола (1997)

Добавлено: 16-06-2015, 15:26
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The film is made on the novel by Andrew Nayderman. A film about the devil at this moment shot a lot, and mostly they are at simple horrors. In this case we are dealing with a film that without special effects and blood showed the most obvious, cruel, nasty and unprincipled evil. In the role of the devil starred Al Pacino, he is well accustomed to the role and the character to be so realistic and natural that Stanislavski would have believed him. Picture impregnated powerful energy that can not not like the viewer.The plot of the film tells the story of a young lawyer named Kevin. Together with his wife he arrives in New York at the invitation of the biggest legal concern. The young lawyer has a good reputation, as it has not failed any case, whatever scum and scoundrels he defended. In the life of Kevin nothing no signs of trouble until the death of his friend, and then his wife. Then he decided to go to the head of the group in which it operates, but there it was waiting Satan...

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