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Фильмы на Английском
Back to the Future : part 2 / Назад в будущее : часть 2 (1989)

Back to the Future : part 2 / Назад в будущее : часть 2 (1989)

Добавлено: 9-06-2015, 19:04
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this is the rare case where the sequel turns out better than the original tape. The creators thought out to the smallest detail the plot, and it looks very realistic on screen. The picture compares favorably to many other films about time travel. The director does not frighten us frightening future disasters, but rather want to visit such a future for the present and stay for a long time. This film is well suited for family viewing.
The story about the ongoing time travel boy Marty and his friend the professor. 1985 Jennifer Marty offers to go to the lake. At this moment, suddenly appears a time machine, which sits behind the wheel Doc. Teen surprised new image of his friend. Doc says that this is what is now dressed in the future. Time Machine modified and can be moved not only in time but also in the future. Doc explains why he came from the future. In the family of Marty, where his wife was Jennifer in 2015 portrayed a big problem. Son Marty will imprisoned for a bank robbery, and his daughter try to save his brother and so does get the police. Now friends go into the future to fix it.

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