Фильмы на Английском
The Outsider (season 1) / Чужак (1 сезон) (2020)

The Outsider (season 1) / Чужак (1 сезон) (2020)

Добавлено: 21-01-2020, 14:43
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Terry Maitland is a teenage football team coach who has raised several generations of talented athletes. He is respected by the locals. But one day this man is involved in a terrible crime, the murder of an eleven-year-old boy. The police consider him the main suspect in this terrible crime. From this point on, local residents are divided into two camps: some are sure that he killed his ward, while others believe that the prosecution has no reason to accuse the respected coach.
Detective Ralph Anderson begins investigating this murder. He is always very attentive to even the most insignificant evidence, so many are sure that he will get to the truth. But the police officer has to face a very big problem. On the one hand, there are fingerprints at the crime scene that indicate the coach's guilt, and on the other there is a video recording that recorded the presence of Terry sixty miles away from the city at the time of the murder. How could one person be in two places at the same time?..

Season 1, Episode 1

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