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Фильмы на Английском
To Catch A Killer (Misanthrope) / Мизантроп (поймать убийцу) (2023)

To Catch A Killer (Misanthrope) / Мизантроп (поймать убийцу) (2023)

Добавлено: 25-07-2023, 09:21
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The whole country is shocked by the murder that occurred in Baltimore on New Year's Eve. Then a lot of people took to the streets to watch the fireworks. The unknown killer decided to take advantage of this moment. The fireworks drowned out the shots, as a result of which twenty-nine bodies were left lying on the city square. The police, investigating this case, found the apartment from which the criminal fired. However, the explosion destroyed all the evidence. FBI agent Geoffrey Lammark is trying to find a thread that could lead him to the killer. He enlists the novice investigator Eleanor to investigate. The girl is well versed in psychology and tries to calculate the next steps that the criminal will take. McKenzie, who has extensive police experience, is working with her on the case.

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