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Фильмы на Английском
The Spy Who Dumped Me / Шпион, который меня кинул (2018)

The Spy Who Dumped Me / Шпион, который меня кинул (2018)

Добавлено: 27-11-2018, 06:07
27 130
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Audrey and Morgan - best friends who have no secrets. They know everything about each other, so Morgan was very surprised when it became known that the former boyfriend of her friend was a CIA spy. But not alone she was stunned by this news, since Audrey herself was also suspicious of nothing. She just met with an ordinary guy, who eventually just threw her. Now she is informed about his death, but the most terrible thing is that his unfinished mission falls on the shoulders of the girls, and with it a lot of attendant troubles and dangerous tests for which you can pay with your own life...

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