Фильмы на Английском
The Simpsons (season 4) / Симпсоны (4 сезон) (1992)

The Simpsons (season 4) / Симпсоны (4 сезон) (1992)

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Life in the town of Springfield is in full swing. The married couple Homer and Marge, along with their children, get into funny, cool situations. All the characters are so realistic that it's hard not to recognize any of them as your friend or acquaintance. Although sometimes everything looks stupid enough, and the characters seem to be complete idiots, in fact this is a parody of real life. And bald, pot-bellied Homer, whose second home is Mo's Bar, is actually a caring daddy. He just enjoys every day, loves life.
Lisa suffers, thinking that she is not beautiful enough and daddy arranges for her to win the "Little Miss Springfield" competition. We will find out which word was the first in her life. Homer decides that he won't go to church, that he's fine as he is. TV and beer, that's what's great. And only a fire will bring him back to the bosom of the church. Marge, playing in an amateur theatrical production of "A Streetcar Named Desire", almost kills the performer of the main male role. And that's because she's imagining Homer. One day, son Bart, offended by Homer, decides to get himself a new daddy.

Season 4, Episode 1

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