Фильмы на Английском
The Simpsons (season 2) / Симпсоны (2 сезон) (1990)

The Simpsons (season 2) / Симпсоны (2 сезон) (1990)

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Bart fails the test and asks for help from Martin Prince, who is made a botanist by the same bully as he is.
Homer builds up his hair and it moves him along the career ladder, but when the hair falls, luck turns away.
Lisa catches three-eyed fish next to the nuclear power plant, and begins to speak with rallies against the company of Mr. Burns,
but he successfully runs for governors.
Marge creates a campaign against violence in cartoons. This makes the creators of "Tickling and Scratching" change the idea.
Now the characters become friendly and kind, and their ratings fall to zero.
When the TV set in the Simpsons' family breaks, Marge tells the children the story of her acquaintance with Homer.
In 1974, he was a simple student, and she was a feminist.

2 Season, 1 Episode

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