What Happened to Monday (Seven Sisters) / Что Случилось с Понедельник (Тайна 7 сестёр) (2017)
The film takes place in the future, when our planet is on the brink of the greatest disaster. In just a few days, the number of inhabitants of the Earth has increased by a million and this is far from the limit. Realizing that demographic growth will lead to disaster, the authorities are introducing a law according to which one family can have only one child. It was during this difficult time that seven twin daughters were born in the Terrence Settman family. According to the law, he is obliged to part with six children and keep only one daughter, but he cannot take this step. As a result, all his life Terrence lives in fear that someday people will break into their house and take the children. To be on the safe side, Terrence comes up with a clear plan of action, according to which girls named after the days of the week can only go out on their own day and imitate one person - Karen Settman. Only once one of the girls does not return home...