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Home Alone 2: Lost in New York / Один дома 2: Затерянный в Нью-Йорке (1992)

Home Alone 2: Lost in New York / Один дома 2: Затерянный в Нью-Йорке (1992)

Добавлено: 31-12-2018, 20:29
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This family Comedy is a sequel to the well-known film, 1990. Lead Macaulay Culkin in this tape ignites even more funny and bright. The picture is just overflowing with positivity and humor that was appreciated by millions of viewers. Incredible adventures of a smart boy, to literally make everyone cling to the bellies.
Movie plot: young American hero returns. But now he's not at home and in new York. He and his family went on a Christmas trip to Miami. During the turmoil at the airport Kevin gets lost in the crowd and takes the wrong plane and arrives in the large and bustling new York city. At this time, the wet bandits escape from prison and find ourselves in the same city. Kevin has enough money on the card and he moves in at the Plaza hotel. Attends the legendary kids toy store Duncan. The Director told him that the entire proceeds will go to charity for sick children, and Kevin sacrifices a bit of money. After leaving the store, Kevin falls into the clutches of criminals, but he manages to escape. He also found out that the wet bandits are going to Rob the same shop. Now Kevin has to protect not only themselves but also the charity money...

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