Movies in English Фильмы, Клипы, Сериалы, Мультфильмы на Английском, Немецком, Итальянском » Боевик » Star Wars: Episode III - Revenge of the Sith / Звёздные войны. Эпизод 3: Месть Ситхов (2005) в закладки
Фильмы на Английском
Star Wars: Episode III - Revenge of the Sith / Звёздные войны. Эпизод 3: Месть Ситхов (2005)

Star Wars: Episode III - Revenge of the Sith / Звёздные войны. Эпизод 3: Месть Ситхов (2005)

Добавлено: 1-04-2018, 20:33
19 994
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After the conflict that ended with the victory of the Jedi over the separatists in the famous battle of the clones, it took three years. Anakin Skywalker almost completely goes to the dark side of the force. Neither his young wife, Queen Amidala, nor Obi-Wan-Kenobi, nor the oldest master of the order-master Yoda can not return him to the side of good. The Dark Empire deals a decisive blow to the Republic. Despite their power, the Jedi almost lost control of the situation. Padme is in the last months of pregnancy. The world is falling apart ...

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