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Фильмы на Английском
Star Wars. Episode 4 : A New Hope / Звёздные войны. Эпизод 4 : Новая надежда (1977)

Star Wars. Episode 4 : A New Hope / Звёздные войны. Эпизод 4 : Новая надежда (1977)

Добавлено: 19-02-2018, 03:30
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Events develop on the outskirts of the galaxy, the desert planet Tatooine. Young Luke Skywalker vegetates in the wilderness, he and his uncle are engaged in agriculture, but Luke secretly dreams of the cosmos. Literally, two fairly battered droids fall on his head. One of them is very willful and at the first attempt escapes. Rushing in search of the droid, Luke falls into the hands of sand men. He comes to the aid of a funny old man - Ben Obi-Wan Kenobi. From his lips the boy learns about what is happening in the world, and what role is destined for him by fate.

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