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Фильмы на Английском
Speed 2 : Cruise Control / Скорость 2 : Контроль над круизом (1997)

Speed 2 : Cruise Control / Скорость 2 : Контроль над круизом (1997)

Добавлено: 26-11-2017, 02:00
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Police officer Alex Shaw, along with his girlfriend Annie Porter, go on a cruise on the Caribbean Sea on a luxury liner. After a while it becomes known that the liner is the terrorist John Geiger, who gets rid of the captain, simulates a fire on the ship, starting evacuating passengers from the ship. Geiger wants to take revenge on his company, which fired him recently and steal all the jewelry that is on the ship. Almost all people leave the liner, but Alex, along with Annie and a few other passengers remain on board to find a terrorist, but he manages to escape from them. After that, Geiger programmed the ship's autopilot to collide with a tanker, which is located just off the coast.

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