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Фильмы на Английском
Down and Out in Beverly Hills / Без гроша в Беверли Хиллз (1986)

Down and Out in Beverly Hills / Без гроша в Беверли Хиллз (1986)

Добавлено: 10-10-2017, 03:11
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It happens that a rich person is not at all happy with his money and a special status in society. That's exactly what happened to millionaire Dave Whiteman, his family turned into a madhouse. Not only that his wife is not interested in anything other than aerobics and yoga, so even the daughter suffers from constant overeating, and the son began to have a transitional age. However, the villain Fate decided that she had played a trick on the millionaire. Once, in the Dave's pool, a beggar was found who wanted to commit suicide. For his kindness, Whiteman decided to shelter the poor man, he could not think that hardly a living poor would prove to be a very proactive person and would completely turn the life of a rich house.

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