Фильмы на Английском
American Gangster /  Гангстер (2007)

American Gangster / Гангстер (2007)

Добавлено: 24-08-2017, 02:35
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The film shows the world of the mafia well and reliably. There is no embellishment and romance, only heroes, their work and personal life, not a simple life at all. The film is so expertly made that its duration seems to be an instant and it looks in one breath.
The plot of the film: after the gangster died, Harlem criminal authority, his quiet driver Frank Lucas, decides to create his criminal empire. After changing his specialty, Lucas starts to carry drugs from Southeast Asia. He works without intermediaries and money flows to him by the river. Lucas considers himself to be a good businessman and adheres to capitalist competition, offering goods to his competitors at a lower price. Lucas manages to capture the entire drug market and earn millions a day. But he still does not suspect that a rare bird has fallen on his tail - Richie Roberts, a rare, honest policeman who is hated even at work ...

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