Фильмы на Английском
Spread / Бабник (2009)

Spread / Бабник (2009)

Добавлено: 23-11-2016, 02:38
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Nikki - gigolo, who uses her looks to secure a comfortable existence at the expense of rich friends. He is in constant search of pretty and rich girls to live at their expense. His latest conquest turns out to be a middle-aged lawyer named Samantha, which is in what he denies. One day Nikki meets a young waitress named Heather, who mistakenly believes that the guy is fabulously rich. It turns out that Heather is playing by the same rules as Nikki, seducing wealthy men and having them novels. After the return of Samantha, who finds out about the betrayal to Nikki, he has to leave her luxurious home. After some time he again meets Heather and she decides to shelter the boy for some time...

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Adminn -
Spread это типа между паштетом и суфле. Ну в супермаркетах есть... Ну типа ни то, ни сё. Ни рыба ни мясо... Мужчина-размазня, короче!
A spread is a type between a pate and a souffle. Well, there are in supermarkets... Well, neither this nor that. Neither fish nor meat... The man is a wimp, in short!
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