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How to Lose a Guy in 10 Days / Как отделаться от парня за 10 дней (2003)

How to Lose a Guy in 10 Days / Как отделаться от парня за 10 дней (2003)

Добавлено: 11-06-2015, 18:38
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Journalist Andy Anderson, editor instructs to write an article about what women usually use to wean themselves from their boring guy. To complete the task on her all about all 10 days. Andy need to find a guy in the crowd, fall in love and then experience the unfortunate freaks all resorted to the women, to get rid of the man, whom they do not wish to contemplate his side. At the disco she meets Benjamin Barry, advertising agent, who made a bet with the boss on a new contract that 10 days fall in love with any girl, and just was in search of the "victim"...

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