Movies in English Фильмы, Клипы, Сериалы, Мультфильмы на Английском, Немецком, Итальянском » Комедия » Alexander and the Terrible, Horrible, No Good, Very Bad Day / Александр и ужасный, кошмарный, нехороший, очень плохой день (2014) в закладки
Фильмы на Английском
Alexander and the Terrible, Horrible, No Good, Very Bad Day / Александр и ужасный, кошмарный, нехороший, очень плохой день  (2014)

Alexander and the Terrible, Horrible, No Good, Very Bad Day / Александр и ужасный, кошмарный, нехороший, очень плохой день (2014)

Добавлено: 17-05-2016, 00:57
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Alexander - a high school student whose life is one continuous misfortune: the older brother would send his photo to all students of the school, pre-edit them in Photoshop, you will gum in her hair, the lights in the classroom textbook chemistry. Every morning he wakes up knowing firmly that it will face new trouble. But once problems arise not only from him, and all his family. One day, they face a lot of problems: parents are late for an important job interview, the elder brother did not pass the driving test, and my sister will say that this day is cursed. It will cope with all the troubles and relive this horror? ..


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