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Фильмы на Английском
Three Thousand Years of Longing / Три тысячи лет желаний (2022)

Three Thousand Years of Longing / Три тысячи лет желаний (2022)

Добавлено: 3-11-2022, 07:48
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Alithea Binnie has been lonely all her life. However, this does not bother her at all, and even vice versa. Without a family and children, she can devote all her time to her beloved and scientific research. One day, arriving at a congress in Istanbul, the heroine buys a small glass vessel at the local market. She could not have imagined that a genie could be in a simple souvenir. Now Alithea has a unique opportunity to make any three wishes. Being a very reasonable and balanced person, the heroine is in no hurry to waste a unique opportunity. She doubts the reality of a magical being at all. But one day a woman still decides on the first wish, which surprises not only her, but also the genie...

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