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Фильмы на Английском
Maleficent: Mistress of Evil / Малефисента: Владычица тьмы (2019)

Maleficent: Mistress of Evil / Малефисента: Владычица тьмы (2019)

Добавлено: 5-01-2020, 20:50
17 704
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Many people know the legend of the evil sorceress and the young Princess, who was put under the spell of eternal sleep. The curse was fulfilled, and only the kiss of true love could awaken the girl. Fortunately, all ended well, and the evil spell was broken. Only this story was not a fairy tale, but actually happened. The evil sorceress was Maleficent, and the young Princess, Aurora. And it was not the kiss of the young Prince that broke the spell, but the kiss of the true mother love of the one who had cast the curse. But this is not the end of the story. After all these events, several years pass. Between the dark fairy and the future Queen does not disappear close and complex relationship. This is a story about new allies and opponents in the magic forest and the magical creatures that live in it...

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