Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone / Гарри Поттер и философский камень (2001)
Normal guy from London up to 11 years lived in peace with a foster family until she discovered one important thing — as it turned out his parents were powerful wizards and their power came to him by inheritance. This discovery radically changed the boy's life, now he needs to go to a special school for wizards - Hogwarts. Once in the school, the boy realizes that the world he knew before is very small and not interesting at school it look forward to meeting with these wizards, gifted by powerful magic, and his classmates will be just like him kids-magicians. Harry learns to play a very dangerous and exciting game called Quidditch, plus play a game of chess with live figures. But waiting for him, and great danger, the Dark Wizard wants to kill the guy until he will gain the knowledge and master the magic in full.