Game of Thrones (4 Season) / Игра Престолов (4 Сезон) (2014)
The civil war in the Seven Kingdoms is coming to an end. One king is struck by the shadow of his own brother, another is killed at the wedding, the third reigns on the sea, but on land he is nobody. The fourth by the will of the Lord of the Light went to the border separating the world of the living and the dead. The fifth one is on the Iron Throne and is preparing for the wedding and the alliance that will forever put an end to the claims on the throne from the side ... Unless the rumors of the last of the kind of Targarienes, its dragons, the flawless warriors and their victories in some distant lands .But the winter is already on the threshold, the harvest has perished, and the Others have awakened: the wild ones flee from them to the Wall, the sentinels - behind the Wall, and only the cripple and their companions are heading to the very heart of the North.
4 Season, 1 Episode