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Фильмы на Английском
Insurgent / Дивергент, глава 2: Инсургент (2015)

Insurgent / Дивергент, глава 2: Инсургент (2015)

Добавлено: 30-06-2018, 23:39
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Beatrice Prior was born and grew up in a seemingly perfect world, in which there were clear rules. Having reached the age of majority, she learned that she was not like everyone else, after which she had to face many dangers. Thanks to her dedication and the help of her close people, she was able to survive, but the tests did not end there. Despite the growing riots in the factions, she continues to try to save those she loves. She becomes aware that the head of a powerful alliance, Renin wants to destroy all divergents, using for this purpose something unknown. But to stop her, Beatrice will have to overcome her inner demons, and this will be very difficult ...

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