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Фильмы на Английском
The Hand That Rocks the Cradle / Рука, качающая колыбель (1992)

The Hand That Rocks the Cradle / Рука, качающая колыбель (1992)

Добавлено: 15-10-2023, 19:35
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Claire Bartel is a loving wife, caring mother and businesswoman. She lives happily with her family until a babysitter named Peyton Flanders shows up at their house. Claire doesn't even know who she let into her house. Behind the appearance of a courteous and attentive nanny hides an evil avenger and this girl will stop at nothing to realize her insidious plan. Love for the baby and caring for him become a real revenge for Peyton after the suicide of her husband, a gynecologist, after which she had a miscarriage. The failed mother decides to vent all her anger on the Bartels family. She believes that she has every right to raise their child as she sees fit, while at the same time, so that the baby considers her his own mother.

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