Фильмы на Английском
The Program / Допинг  (2015)

The Program / Допинг (2015)

Добавлено: 8-03-2016, 18:36
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Champion. Hero. Legend. Liar. Lance Armstrong - who is he? The world-famous champion of "Tour de France" - one of the most controversial characters in modern history of world sports. Do we need heroes to the world? Certainly. Lance Armstrong became the epitome of sporting courage and heroism. After a grueling battle with cancer cyclist Lance resumes his career in 1999 as never before by a thirst for victory, and he submits a big loop. That's just what price? And great whether the role of the notorious Italian doctor Michele Ferrari? Armstrong's team wins seven times "Tour de France". Sam Lance creates a fund for assistance to cancer patients, is an example to follow, inspires people to overcome the terrible disease. However, not all believe in this fairy tale. Sports commentator David Walsh initially fascinated by the charisma and talent Lance, but soon begins to question the honesty of the world's greatest athlete. He decides to whatever was to reveal this grand deception.


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