Фильмы на Английском
Flightplan / Иллюзия полета (2005)

Flightplan / Иллюзия полета (2005)

Добавлено: 12-07-2022, 03:06
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Kyle Pratt with her six-year-old daughter Julia returns to New York after her husband's death. Waking up on the plane, Kyle discovers that her daughter is missing, but the search does not bring results. It turns out that the girl is not on the passenger list, and none of those on board can remember her daughter. Julia's belongings and boarding pass also mysteriously disappeared. Kyle is sure that her daughter was abducted, but she cannot understand who and for what purpose. The captain of the plane makes concessions to Kyle and the crew conducts a full inspection, which does not bring any results. Only the cargo compartment remains overlooked, where the captain has forbidden anyone to enter for security reasons. Many passengers and crew are beginning to suspect that Kyle had a mental breakdown after her husband's death, and in fact the girl was not with her...

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