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Фильмы на Английском
3000 Miles to Graceland / 3000 миль до Грейсленда (2001)

3000 Miles to Graceland / 3000 миль до Грейсленда (2001)

Добавлено: 26-12-2020, 00:32
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Michael Zane was recently released from prison, but he did not have to sit out of work for a long time. The man is incited into a "one hundred percent" business by his acquaintance Thomas Murphy, whose plan is both simple and impudent: to sneak into the Elvis Presley imitators festival disguised as his imitators and rob one of the largest casinos in Las Vegas. The robbery went pretty smoothly. But the problems began when the accomplices began to divide the loot. In addition, it turned out that Thomas, in principle, was not going to share the loot with anyone, but wanted to get rid of his partner in the usual way for him - with a bullet in the forehead...

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