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Фильмы на Английском
Jumanji: The Next Level / Джуманджи: Новый уровень (2019)

Jumanji: The Next Level / Джуманджи: Новый уровень (2019)

Добавлено: 17-12-2020, 01:12
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Four friends have experienced incredible and deadly adventures in a game called Jumanji. From that moment on, they began to look at their lives differently, which will never be the same. But none of them could even imagine that they would have to return to the game again. Well, except maybe Spencer, who actually disappeared. Now friends voluntarily return to the game to save their friend. But they only have to face one problem: along with them, Spencer's grandfathers got into the game, who have no idea what is happening and what awaits them ahead. Will they be able to save a friend and get out of a deadly game, which, by the way, has become even more difficult?..

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