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Фильмы на Английском
Fifty Shades Freed / Пятьдесят оттенков свободы (2018)

Fifty Shades Freed / Пятьдесят оттенков свободы (2018)

Добавлено: 15-07-2020, 05:28
17 832
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Anastasia Steele and Christian Grey, finally, tied the knot and now live, fully enjoying each other's company. They are happier than ever, and each new day brings them even more joy and happiness. They have big plans for the future: their own home, traveling around a huge and interesting world, and much more. It seemed that they would be happy for the rest of their lives, and nothing could stop it. But in reality, everything turned out to be not so rosy. The newly made Mrs. Grey is in danger, as her foe from the past life is declared, who is ready for anything for revenge. In addition, the ghosts of Christian's past are returning, which gradually intensifies the tense atmosphere between the spouses...

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