Фильмы на Английском
Katrina and The Waves - (Love Shine a Light) (1997)

Katrina and The Waves - (Love Shine a Light) (1997)

Добавлено: 7-06-2020, 01:24
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The band was created in Cambridge in 1981 by Kimberley Rew, guitarist for "Soft Boys", under the name The Ways. The group also included drummer Alex Cooper and two Americans - guitarist Katrina Leskanich and bass player Vince De La Cruz. Soon, as a vocalist of the group, Rew was replaced by Leskanich, and her name was decided to be added to the name of the group.In 1997, the group won the Eurovision Song Contest with the song "Love Shine A Light", which then took third place in the British, as well as second in the Austrian and Norwegian charts. The success of the song helped the musicians sign a contract with Warner and release their new album, Walk On Water. However, in 1999 the band broke up, and its participants continued their independent performances.
The winning song of 1997 - Love Shine a Light - sparkled with new colors. All participants of Eurovision 2020 performed it on the air of the show: Europe Shine a Light.

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Победная песня 1997 года - Love Shine a Light - заиграла новыми красками.
Все участники Евровидения 2020 исполнили её в эфире шоу Eurovision: Europe Shine a Light.

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