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Фильмы на Английском
Double Jeopardy / Двойной просчёт (двойное наказание) (1999)

Double Jeopardy / Двойной просчёт (двойное наказание) (1999)

Добавлено: 17-03-2020, 02:33
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Libby Parsons sets out on a small yacht trip with her husband Nick. But when she wakes up in the morning, she sees that the whole deck and her shirt are stained with blood, and Nick is nowhere to be found. The Coast Guard team takes the girl into custody, but Libby does not understand at all what happened and where her husband disappeared. Soon the police took her into custody on suspicion of Nick's murder and after a while Libby was arrested. Before heading to jail, she asks her friend Angie to look after her four-year-old son Matty. Soon, the girl finds out that Nick is alive and staged the whole story to get insurance. The lawyer still helps Libby to achieve early release and now, after six years in prison, she goes in search of Nick.

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