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Фильмы на Английском
My Left Foot: The Story of Christy Brown / Моя левая нога (1989)

My Left Foot: The Story of Christy Brown / Моя левая нога (1989)

Добавлено: 24-05-2019, 02:53
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The film tells about an amazing man who did not obey the will of fate and was able to overcome many difficulties on the way to his dream. A simple Irish guy named Christy Brown was the victim of a terrible disease that seemed to have forever chained him to a wheelchair. Cerebral palsy is actually not curable, so everyone around him perceived Brown as an inferior person for whom you should not waste your time and attention. However, Christy, with the help of her mother and using the support of her relatives, managed to learn how to write and draw with the fingers of his left foot, while he achieved such success that he became a sought-after artist.

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